Effective Java
Item 03

Item 03: Enforce the singleton property with a private constructor or an enum type

  • A singleton is a class that is instantiated exactly once.
  • Making a class a singleton can make it difficult to test its clients.

Singleton as final field

  • The public field makes it clear that this class is a singleton.
  • Simple.
public class Elvis {
  public static final Elvis INSTANCE = new Elvis();
  private Elvis() {
    // ...

Singleton with static factory method

  • Provide flexibility about whether the class is a singleton without changing its API.
  • If necessary, can write a generic singleton factory (item 30).
  • A method reference can be used as a supplier. Elvis::instance is a Supplier<Elvis>.
  • To maintain the singleton guarantee for serializable class, declare all instance fields transient and provide a readResolve method (item 89).
private Object readResolve() {
  return INSTANCE;
public class Elvis {
  private static final Elvis INSTANCE = new Elvis();
  public static Elvis getInstance() {
    return INSTANCE;
  private Elvis() {
    // ...

Singleton as single-element enum

  • Provide serialization machinery for free.
  • Provide an ironclad guarantee against multiple instantiation.
  • Best way to implement a singleton.
public enum Elvis {
  // methods...